In Computing, traffic is called (although it is customary to say web traffic) to the flow of data through the network, and as an online advertising and marketing agency is trained to bring any project to success to bring real targeted traffic. The reason for the existence of the network is precisely web traffic or simply traffic. To succeed in Internet business and generate income, it is necessary to generate and increase web traffic to your website or blog. In any business, whether offline or online, the decisive activity in success is the sale. That is, in the broadest sense of the term, it is necessary to sell something.

It can be selling a product or service; however, you can also consider “selling” for example, the personal image to get a job or keep it, sell an idea or an ideal, or sell a brand. Etc. Even the teacher or parent to achieve their goals with the student or the child, respectively, must also use the main mechanisms of a vendor:

·         Trust

·         Authority (in the sense of ancestry)

·         Persuasion (apprehension or judgment that is formed under a foundation)

·         Convince

·         Other

In conclusion, every person, whether he likes or doesn’t like selling, has to learn to do it. Now, focusing on the business world, in order to sell it is necessary to have an audience to offer them our products or services. And if our businesses or projects are developed through the Internet or with the help of the Internet, that public translates into generating and increasing web traffic to our website or blog then you have to choose our online agency and should start your free trial with

What is Web Traffic?

Web traffic is called the flow of data sent or received by users or visitors to a website.

How is Web Traffic Measured?

Web traffic is measured based on the number of people visiting a website, the number of page views, and the average time spent by the visitor on the site.

Why is it Important to Generate and Increase Web Traffic?

Clients are a fundamental asset of every business enterprise. Without customers there would be no sales or monetary income for the business. Hence, you must devote much of your effort to generate and / or increase web traffic to your site. Get them to subscribe to your list to finally convert them into customers. What are the channels or means to generate and increase web traffic to your site or web page?

How can you Generate and Increase Visits to my Website or Blog?

Using some of the means indicated above, generating and increasing web traffic can be obtained in several ways and we can basically classify it into two types:

1. Paid Web Traffic

2. Free Web Traffic, also known as Organic Traffic

Obviously, with paid traffic, you can get instant results, although in most cases you must go through a prior approval process. Among the serious platforms where paid traffic can be used are, for example, Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Twitter Ads, etc. The results with free traffic are slower, although more durable over time. To achieve traffic through this method, a much more technical process must be developed.

How can I Generate and Increase Free Web Traffic in Search Engines using SEO?

Among the most used methods is SEO. With SEO, we intend to position the website on the first pages of the results shown by web search engines. It should be clear that appearing on the first two or three pages of search engine results is a very difficult task.

The web page that appears in the first place and is labeled with the Ad name is because a fee has been paid to achieve it. The type and quantity of pages that are displayed in the results depend a lot on the words that are placed in the search engine.

Two Basic and Fundamental Concepts for SEO

1.  Content Marketing

2.  The Keywords

1. Content Marketing

This concept refers to marketing by publishing valuable content. That is, it is useful to your visitors. In this post, I refer to this topic.

2. Keywords

The Basic Steps in SEO Positioning with the use of Keywords are as follows:

ü  Step 1.- Choose carefully the keywords to be used in a particular article. Obviously, they have to refer to the topic being treated.

ü  Make a list of all the possibilities and then verify the search volume of those keywords. That is, how many people are looking for that topic. A good tool that helps us for this purpose is the Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

ü  Step 2.- Your main keyword should appear in the title of your post. If your keyword is “how to make a blog”, the title of your post could be: How to Make a Professional Blog in 10 steps.

ü  Step 3.- 3rd focus should be on the keywords and the URL of your post. The main Keyword you have to use in your post Title and it’s very important.

ü  Step 4.- The main password must appear in the first paragraph of your post

ü  Step 5.- The primary or secondary key must appear in some headings (subtitles) of the article.

ü  Step 6.- The keywords, main and secondary should appear throughout the body of your article. Without exceeding A maximum of 2% of the total words of your article may be acceptable.

ü  Step 7.- When using images, in the alternative text enter your main or related secondary keywords.

Advertising has to arouse feelings in people so that it becomes memorable. In we make our audience endorse the brand to achieve greater impact for real targeted traffic. In we are specialists in listening to you. Tell us everything you need and we will give free rein to creativity.

By mansi

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